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BP Go – An app to raise elderly people’s awareness of their blood pressure


·       Elders can input blood pressure measurements into the app for better storage and management.

·       Carers and family members receive notification whenever elders input a measurement.

·       Remind elders to take regular measurements.

·       Display blood pressure records with numerical values and graphs

·       Print recent 30 blood pressure records for reference and analysis by healthcare staff


Hypertension is a common health problem of elderly people. Regular blood pressure measurements are useful to monitor the health condition and make timely interventions. For example, doctors can evaluate the effectiveness of prescribed medications with reference to blood pressure profile over a period of time, and adjust the medications or dosage as necessary. Hence, making regular measurements and keeping a complete record of blood pressure is important.
Although upper arm blood pressure monitors and others are commonly used at home, it is indeed not straightforward for elders to take regular measurements and record them properly. This could be due to various reasons, e.g. oblivion or finding it a bother. Even they have taken measurements, they may just write them on scrap papers or don’t even keep any records at all.
In this regard, we have developed as simple app called BP Go to remind elders to make measurements regularly and let them record the readings orderly. The readings are presented both numerically and graphically. In the meantime, we have also developed another app called BP Go Carer for the family members or carers of elders who have installed BP Go on their phones. After the two apps BP Go and BP Go Carer are paired, whenever an elder enters blood pressure readings into BP Go, their carers would receive a notification at BP Go Carer to remind that a record has been received and is ready for checking. Besides, with BP Go Carer, you can print the recent 30 records as a reference for doctors during medical consultations.

Watch the videos below to gain more understanding about BP Go and BP Go Carer. Click here to download BP Go, and here for BP Go Carer.


BP Go Introdution (with Narration)

BP Go Introduction

Segment 1: Client version

Segment 2: Carer verson

Segment 3: Setting a reminder

Segment 4: Paring the apps

Segment 5: Enter a record and remind carer

Segment 6: Read and print records






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